Wednesday 30 May 2012

Feeling All Wound Up

I'm feeling all wound up and no not in a good way. I miss being able to play and I miss rope! But that isn't what this is about. I know with pregnancy comes hormonal changes. I have read that in the multitude of magazines and books being forced upon myself. I also know this having taken biology in school. With hormonal changes come mood changes.

What the books do not say is how stress can magnify these mood changes and sometimes not for the better! Oh sure they tell you to "reduce stress levels" and "enjoy your pregnancy" but hard to when stressed! I can deal with the daily stresses, I have my coping mechanisms. It is the other stresses I cannot cope with at the moment. What stresses are those? I think the one that foremost comes to mind is certain people in my life saying how "it is not fair" that I and Steve do not wish to know the sex of the baby before it is born and saying how it is selfish. Excuse me?! My uterus, my unborn child, my choice. Women have been having children without knowing the sex of their child for thousands of years why with the advent of modern science do things need to change now? What is wrong with having the surprise at the end of carrying a child to term?

So, yes, I am slightly moody and just frustrated with people that are supposed to be supportive and caring acting like it is all about them when it is my pregnancy. Part of me wants to act like a child and stomp my foot and tell them it is all about ME as I am the one that is pregnant. But I decide to act the adult and try to let what they say go through one ear and out the other. It is hard when things are being repeated constantly and then I feel like exploding but I am still a-ok!